“Another Domestic”

Contact Jessica Linker, Sam McAllister, Ahmad Asani about BLACK FONDU

Enigmatic rapper and producer BLACK FONDU presents his second single/video, “Another Domestic.” Born in Accra, Ghana and now based in London, BLACK FONDU crafts immersive soundscapes that blend electronic elements with hip-hop and abstract grime. Over the last many months, he has gained traction through his explosive live shows in London and Manchester. His work emphasizes mood and atmosphere, featuring minimalist beats, innovative synths, and raw vocals. 


Debut single “SB 1 3,” released this spring, exemplifies this distinctive auditory journey, merging the gritty edge of grime with a psychedelic approach to hip-hop.


BLACK FONDU is the sole creator of the “Another Domestic” video, shooting all of the footage and animating each frame by hand.